to the contrary disposition, which I blame in the French. But a sense of the ridiculous will always haye a strong sway oyer me, and I still laugh in spite of age and reflection. I should here add, that a road, я real r/rande route, will be before long opened between Lubeck and Schwerin.

The lovely bathing woman of Travemunde, whom we call La Monna Lise, is married: she has three children. I have been to see her in her family, and it was not without a mixture of sadness and timidity that I passed the modest threshold of her new building. She expected me, and with that natural coquetry proper to the people of the north, who, though unimpassioned, are affectionate and sentimental, she had put on her neck a little present which I had given her just ten years before. This charming creature, only thirty-four years of age, has already the gout! One can see that she has been beautiful; and that is all. Beauty not appreciated passes quickly away; it is useless. Lise has a husband, horribly ugly, and three children, one of whom, a boy, almost lives in the sea. In contemplating this family, and calling to mind the memory of Lise ten years before, it appeared to me as though the enigma of human life was for the first time suggested to my mind. I could not breathe in her little cabin, clean and neat as it was. I went out to respire the fresh air, and repeated to myself, " "Where there are only the necessaries of life there is nothing. Happy the soul which seeks for a rest in religion." But the religion of Protestants yields only the necessary, and nothing beyond.

Since this lovely creature has been tied down to a common lot she lives without trouble, but without D 6
