forces, the most opposite in appearance although possessing much real affinity, and although detestable when combined — despotism and revolution ! I cannot observe his eyes of clouded blue, bordered with nearly white lashes, his complexion, whieh would be delicate, but for the bronzing rays of the sun and the frequent influence of an internal and always repressed rage, his pale and thin lips, his dry yet eivil words, the intonation of whieh utters the very opposite of the phraseology, without viewing him as a protecting spy, a spy respected even by the governor of Nijni; and under the influence of this idea I am tempted to order post-horses, and never to stop until beyond the frontiers of Russia.

The powerful governor of Nijni does not dare to command this ambitious courier to mount the box of my carriage; and, though the representative of supreme authority, ean only advise me to be patient.

Minine, the liberator of Russia—that heroie peasant whose memory has become especially popular since the French invasion—is buried at Nijni. His tomb may be seen in the cathedral, among those of the great dukes.

It was in this city that the cry of deliverance first resounded, at the time when the empire was occupied by the Poles.

Minine, a simple serf, sought the presence of Pojarski, a Russian noble: the language of the peasant breathed enthusiasm and hope. Pojarski, electrified by the saered though rude eloquence, gathered together a few men. The daring deeds of these heroes attracted others to their standard: they marched upon Moscow, and liberated Russia.
