tire extent of which is, like every other undertaking in this country, colossal, they have, since the reign of Peter the Great, succeeded in joining, so as to form a safe navigation for boats, the Caspian with the Baltic by the Volga, Lake Ladoga, and the Neva. This enterprise, bold in conception, prodigious in execution, is now completed, and forms one of the wonders of the civilised world. Although thus magnificent to contemplate, I found it rather tedious to inspeet, especially under the conduct of one of the executors of the chef-d'oeuvre. The professional man invests his work with the importance which no doubt it merits : but for a mere general observer, like myself, admiration is extinguished under minute details, — details which, in the present case, I will spare the reader.

When I believed I had strictly accorded the time and the praise that were due to the wonders I was obliged to pass in review in return for the favour which, it was supposed, I had received, I returned to the original motive of my journey, and, disguising my object in order the better to attain it, I asked permission to see the source of the Neva. This wish, the insidious innocence of which could not eoneeal the indiscretion, was at first eluded by the engineer, who replied, " It rises up under the water at the outlet of Lake Ladoga, at the end of the channel, which separates the lake from the island on which stands the fortress."

I knew this already, but replied: " It is one of the natural curiosities of Russia. Are there no means of reaching this spring ? "

" The wind is too high; we could not see the bubbling up of the waters. It is necessary that the weather
