The new school of Italian singing, of which Kon-coni is now the head, is also reviving the powerful effect of ancient music by the expressive auxiliary of words; but it is still Diiprez who has, since his brilliant debuts on the Naples' theatre, contributed to this return, for he pursues his work through all languages, and carries his conquests among all people. The women who took the higher parts in the songs of the gypsies have Oriental faces; their eyes possess a brightness and vivacity that is very unusual. The youngest among them appeared to me very beautiful; the others, with their deep, though premature wrinkles, their darkly-stained complexions, and their black hair, would also serve as models for painters. They express in their various melodies many different sentiments ; the passion of anger they especially depict with admirable effect. I am told that the troop of gypsy singers that I shall find at Nijni is the most celebrated in Russia. Meanwhile, to render justice to these itinerant virtuosi, I can say that those of Moscow have given me much enjoyment, especially when they sung, in chorus, pieces, the harmony of which appeared to me scientific and complicated.

I found the national opera a detestable exhibition, though represented in a very handsome hall. The piece was The God and the Bayadere, translated into Russian ! What is the use of employing the language of the country further to disfigure a Parisian libretto ?

There is also at Moscow a French theatre, where M. Hervet, whose mother had a name in Paris, plays the parts of Bouffé very naturally. I saw Miehel Perrin г 2
