majesty of the scene. If not handsome, he is venerable ; his small figure is like that of a weasel, but his head is white with age. He has a care-worn and sickly appearance ; a priest, old and feeble, cannot be an ignoble object. At the close of the ceremony, the Emperor came and bent before him, respectfully kissing his hand.

The autocrat never fails to give an example of submission, when there is a hope that this example may be of profit to himself. I was interested in the poor archbishop, who appeared dying in the midst of his glory. The majestic figure of the Emperor, and his noble countenance, bending before the representative of religious power — the youthful couple — the imperial family—the spectators—in short, the whole assemblage that filled and animated the chapel, formed a subject for a picture. Before the ceremony, I thought the archbishop would have fainted. The court kept him waiting a long time, unmindful of the saying of Louis XVIIL, that " Punctuality is the politeness of kings." Notwithstanding the cunning expression of his countenance, this old man inspired me with compassion. He was so feeble, and yet he sustained fatigue with so much patience, that I pitied, if I did not respect him ; for whether his patience was the result of piety, or of ambition, it was cruelly Tried.

As to the person of the young Duke of Leuchtcn-berg, it was in vain that I endeavoured to reconcile myself to it; it did not please me better at the close of the ceremony than at the beginning. This young man has a fine military bearing, and that is all. He reminded me of what I knew before, namely, that,
