houses, one can scarcely realise the idea of being in Europe. The second horse, fastened on the near side of the former, is yet less confined ; his head is left free, and he is kept constantly on the gallop, when even his comrade in harness only trots.

Originally the drowska was nothing more than a rough plank, placed between four little wheels, on axles almost touching the earth. This primitive coach has been greatly improved, but it still preserves its original lightness and its strange appearance. In striding the seat one feels as if mounting some tamed animal; but if this species of horseback is not liked, the party seats himself sideways, holding by the coachman, who always drives at a gallop.

There is a new kind of drowska, in which the seat is not fixed lengthwise, and the body of which has the form of a tilbury. It is an approach to the carriages of other lands, and savours of the English modes; so much the worse, for among all people I love that which is national, and regret that it should ever become obsolete ! These scarcely perceptible coaches are rudely jolted over the uneven stones of the streets of Petersburg, though in certain quarters the pavement is improved by two lines of wooden blocks laid down on each side of the way. Over such pavements, which are found in the larger streets, the horses proceed with great rapidity, especially in dry weather, for the rain renders them slippery. These mosaics of the north are expensive by reason of the continual repairs which they require, but they are preferable to the stones.

The movements of the men whom I met appeared stiff and constrained; every gesture expressed a

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