Poland, by its last insurrection, has retarded the explosion of the mine ; it has forced the batteries to remain masked: Poland will never be pardoned for the dissimulation that she has rendered necessary, not towards herself, for she is immolated with impunity, but towards friends whom it is needful to continue making dupes, while managing their stormy philanthropy. The advance-guard of the new Roman Empire, which will be called the Greek Empire, and the most circumspect at the same time that he is the most blind of the kings of Europe*, to please his neighbour, who is also his master, is commencing a religious war. If he can be thus led astray, it will be easy to seduce others.

If ever'the Russians succeed in conquering theAYest, they will not govern it from their own country, after the manner of the old Mongols; on the contrary, there will be nothing in which they will show such eager haste as to issue from their icy plains : unlike theù· ancient masters, the Tartars, who tyrannised over the Slavonians from a distance — for the climate of Muscovy frightened even the Mongols — the Muscovites will leave their country the moment the roads of other countries are open to them.

At this moment they talk moderation ; they protest against the conquest of Constantinople ; they say that they fear every thing that would increase an empire where the distances are already a calamity; they dread — yes! even thus far extends their prudence ! — they dread hot climates ! . . . . Let us wait a little, and we shall see what will become of all these fears.

* Written of the late King of Prussia, in 1839. Q 4
