Fedor again strove to interrupt him.

" What! you will not allow me to speak ! You have not forgotten any more than I, that he once beat you. It was to punish you, not for the trifling fault invented by himself, but for your secret love of his daughter. He wanted to drive you from the country before the evil was past remedy."

Fedor, in the most violent agitation, walked up and down the room, unable to utter any reply. He bit his hands in impotent rage, till he at length found words to say :

" You remind me of a hateful day, comrade ; let us talk of something else."

" I always talk of what I please: if you do not choose to answer me, I can talk alone ; but, once for all, I will not be interrupted. I am your senior, and the godfather of your new-born babe ; your captain also. Do you see this sign on my breast ? It is that of my rank in our army. I have therefore a right to speak before you ; and if you pretend to object, I have my men bivouacking outside; with a single whistle I could bring them around me, and in a few momenta the house would be in a blaze. Patience, then, and we shall understand each other better."

The young man re-seated himself, affecting the most indifferent air that he could assume.

" What was I talking about ? " continued Basil, grumbling between his teeth. " Oh, I was reminding you of an unpleasant recollection. Is it not true? But you have sadly forgotten it, my son, and I must bring back to your mind your own history. You will see at least that I know how to read your thoughts,
