if not enchanted abode. But here, the interest of history adds to the effect of the magnificence. How many curious events are picturesquely registered and attested by the venerable relics ! From the finely-worked helmet of Saint Alexander Newski to the litter which carried Charles XII. at Pultawa, each object recalls an interesting recollection, or a singular fact. The Treasury is the true album of the giants of the Kremlin.

In concluding my survey of these proud spoils of time, I recollected, as by inspiration, a passage from Montaigne — without whose works I never travel — which will serve to complete, by a curious contrast, the description of the Muscovite treasury :

" The Duke of Museovy owed anciently this homage to the Tartars. When they sent to him ambassadors, he came to meet them on foot, and presented them with a goblet of mare's milk (a beverage which they esteem as the greatest luxury); and if, in drinking, any drops fell on the mane of their horses, he was bound to lick them up with his tongue.

" In Russia, the army that the Emperor Bajazet sent there was overwhelmed with so tremendous a storm of snow, that, to save themselves from the eold, many killed and disembowelled their horses, in order to creep wTithin them and enjoy the vital heat."

I quote this last fact, because it reminds me of the admirable and fearful description which M. de Ségur gives of the battle-field of Moskowa, in his History of the Campaign in Russia.

The Emperor of all the E,ussias, with all his thrones and all his haughty splendours, is no other than the successor of these selfsame grand-dukes whom we
