The attire and diamonds of the ladies shone with a magic splendour in the midst of all the treasures of xVsia, Avhich beamed upon the Avails of the sanctuary. where royal magnificence seemed to challenge the majesty of the God whom it honoured without forgetting its own.

All this gorgeous display is wonderful, especially to us, if we recall the time, not distant, when the marriage of the daughter of a Czar would have been scarcely heard of in Europe, and when Peter I. declared, that he had a right to leave his crown to whomsoever he pleased. How great a progress for so short a period !

When Ave reflect on the diplomatic and other conquests of this power, which not long since was considered as of but little importance in the civilised world, we are led to ask ourselves if that which Ave see is not a dream. The Emperor himself appeared to me not much accustomed to Avhat Avas passing before him; for he was continually leaving his prayers, and slipping from one side to the other, in order to remedy the omissions of etiquette among his children, or the clergy. This proves, that in Russia, even the court has not yet finished its education. His son-in-laAv was not placed quite conveniently, Avhereupon he made him shift his position by about íavo feet. The Grand Duchess, the priests themselves, and all the great functionaries of the court seemed to be governed bv his minute but supreme directions. I felt that it Avould have been more dignified to leave things as they Avere, and I could have wished that Avhen once in the chapel, God only had been thought of, and each man had been left to acquit himself of his func-K 6
