blow. On his return, she embraced him without speaking; but the emperor, after having soothed her, felt himself grow weak, and tln`ew himself into the arms of one of his most faithful servants, exclaiming — " "What a commencement of a rei


I publish these details, because it is well they should be known, in order to teach the obscure to envy less the fortune of the great.

Whatever apparent inequality legislation may have established in the different conditions of civilised men, the equity of Providence justifies itself by maintaining a secret equality, which nothing can alter or disturb. This is done by the ageney of mental evils, which generally increase in the same ratio that physical evils diminish. There is less injustice in the world than the founders and legislators of nations have endeavoured to produce, or than the vulgar imagine they perceive: the laws of nature are more equitable than the laws of man.

These reflections passed rapidly through my mind as I conversed with the emperor, producing in me a sentiment which he would, I believe, have been rather surprised to learn that he had inspired — it was that of indescribable pity. I took care to conceal the emotion, and continued:

"I can truly say, sire, that one of the chief motives of my curiosity in visiting Kussia was the desire of approaching a prince who exercises such power over men."

" The Russians are amiable; but he should render himself worthy who would govern such a people."

¢í Your majesty has better appreciated the wants
