Hypocrite or actor are ill-sounding words, especially in the mouth of one who professes to be impartial and respectful. But it appears to me that, to intelligent readers, and it is only such that I address, words are nothing in themselves; their importance depends upon the sense that is given to them. I do not say that the physiognomy of this prince lacks candour, but it lacks natural expression. Thus, the chief evil under which Russia suffers, the absence of liberty, is depicted even on the countenance of its sovereign : he has many masks, but no face. Seek for the man, and you still always find the emperor.

I believe this remark may be turned to his praise ; he acts his part conscientiously. He would accuse himself of weakness were he to be for a single moment plain and simple, or were he to allow it to be seen that he lived, thought, and felt as do common mortals. Without seeming to partake of any of our affections, he is always governor, judge, general, admiral, prince, — never anything more, — never anything less. He will surely grow weary of all this effort as he advances in life; yet it will place him high in the opinion of lñs people, and perhaps of the world, for the multitude admire the efforts which astonish them, — they pride themselves in seeing the pains that are taken to dazzle them.

Those who knew the Emperor Alexander, eulogise that prince on entirely different grounds. The qualities and the faults of the two brothers were altogether opposite ; there was no resemblance, and likewise no sympathy between them. In this country, the memory of a defunct emperor is little honoured, and in the present instance inclination accords with the policy L 3
