—Difference between Tyranny and Despotism.'—The Tchinn.

Peculiar Character of the Russian Government. — The Arts in Russia. — A Russian Hotel. — The Evils to be encountered there. — The Michael Palaces. — Death of Paul I.

The Spy baflled. — The Neva, its Quays and Bridges. — Cabin of PeterL—The Citadel, its Tombs and D ungeons.

Church of St. Alexander Newski. — Russian Veterans. — Austerity of the Czar. — Russian Faith in the Future, and its Realisation. — Munich and Petersburg compared. — Interior of the Fortress. — The Imperial Tombs.— Subterranean Prison. — Russian Prisoners. — Moral Degradation of the Higher Classes. —Catholic Church. —Precarious Toleration. —Tomb of the last King of Poland, and of Moreau. Page 142


Visit to the Islands. — Character of the Scenery. — Artificial Beauties. — Comparison between Russian and English Taste.

—Aim and Characteristics of Russian Civilisation. — Happi

ness impossible in Russia. — Fashionable Life in St. Peters

burg.— Equality under Despotism. — Characteristic Traits

of Russian Society. — Absolute Power. — Pavilion of the

Empress.—Vermin in the Houses and Palaces of St. Peters

burg.— Costume of the Lower Orders. — Beauty of the Men

when of pure Slavonian Race. — The Women. — Condition

of the Russian Peasantry. — The Sale of Serfs.—Commerce

can alone alter the present State of Things. — Care taken to

conceal the Truth from Foreigners. — Religious Usurpation

of Peter the Great. — His Character and Monstrous Cruel

ties.— Culpability of the Aristocracy. — The Author sus

pected. — State of Medical Art in Russia. — Universal

Mystery. — Permission to be present at the Marriage of the

Grand Duchess.? 163


Coincidence of Dates. — Marriage of the Grandson of M. de Beauharnais. — Chapel of the Court,— The Emperor Nicholas.—His Person.— The Empress. — Consequences of Despotism.—The Author's Debut at Court.—An Accident. — Magnificent Decorations and Costume. — Entree of the
