be a pity that she should confine herself to the production of mere ephemeral works." *

During this conversation, I made it a rule merely to listen and to reply ; but I expected to hear the Grand Duchess pronounce other names which might flatter my patriotic pride, and put my friendly reserve to new trials.

These expectations were deceived. The Grand Duchess, who passes her life in a country where society is remarkable for its tact, undoubtedly knew better than myself what to speak of, and Avhat to omit. Efjually fearing the significance of my Avords, and of my silence, she did not utter another syllable on the subject of our cotemporary literaüire.

There are certain names, whose sound alone would disturb the tranquillity of mind and the uniformity of thought, despotically imposed upon all who will live at the Russian court.

I must now describe some of the magic fetes at which I am present every evening. AVith us the balls are disfigured by the sombre attire of the men, whereas the varied and brilliant uniforms of the Russian officers give an extreme brilliancy to the saloons of Petersburg.

In Russia the magnificence of the women's apparel is found to accord with the gold of the military dress ; and the male dancers have not the appearance of being the clerks of attorneys, or the shopmen of their partners' apothecaries.

The whole length of the garden front of the Michael Palace is ornamented by an Italian colon-

* The conversation is repeated word for word as it occurred.
