civilisation, and which is nothing more than the customs of the age.

This evening all the city of Petersburg, that is to say, the court and its followers, were at the islands; not for the pure pleasure of promenading on a fine day, such a pleasTire would appear insipid to the Russian courtiers, but to see the jmcket-boat of the Empress, a spectacle of which they never tire. Here every sovereign is a god, every princess is an Armida or a Cleopatra. The train of these changeable divinities never changes: it it< composed of a people ever equally faithful; the reigning prince is always in the fashion with the Russian people.

Nevertheless these submissive men, let them say and do their best, are forced and constrained in their enthusiasm. A people without liberty has instincts, but not sentiments; and their instincts often manifest themselves in an officious and little delicate manner. The emperors of Russia must be overwhelmed with submission : sometimes the incense wearies the idol. In fact, this worship admits of terrible interludes. The Russian government is an absolute monarchy moderated by assassination ; and when the prince is not under the influenee of lassitude, he is under that of terror. He lives, therefore, between fear and disgust. If the pride of the despot must have slaves, the feelings of the man must yearn for equals ; but a czar has no equals : etiquette and jealousy maintain invidious guard around his solitary heart. He is more to be pitied than even his people, especially if he possesses any amiable qualities.

I hear much boast made of the domestic happiness of the Emperor Nicholas, but I see in it the consola-
