Troïtza is, after Kiew, the most famous and best frequented place of pilgrimage in Russia. This historical monastery, situated twenty leagues from Moscow, was, I thought, of sufficient interest to allow of my losing a day, and passing a night there, in order to visit the sanetuaries revered by the Russian Christians.

To acquit myself of the task required a strong effort of reason : after such a night as the one I have passed, curiosity beeomes extinguished, physieal disgust overcomes every other feeling.

I had been assured at Moscow that I should find at Troïtza a very tolerable lodging. In fact the building where strangers are accommodated, a kind of inn belonging to the eonvent, but situated beyond the sacred precinct, is a spacious structure, and contains chambers apparently very habitable. Nevertheless, I had scarcely retired to rest, when I found all my ordinary precautions inefficient. I had kept a candle burning as usual, and by its light I passed the night in making war with an army of vermin, black and brown, of every form, and, I believe, of every speeies. The death of one of them seemed to draw on me the vengeanee of the whole race, who rushed upon the place where the blood had flowed, and drove me almost to desperation. " They only want wings to make this plaee hell," was the exclamation which escaped me in my rage. These insects are the legaey of the pilgrims who repair to Troïtza from every part of the empire; they multiply under the shelter of the shrine of St. Sergius, the founder of the famous convent. The benediction of heaven seems to attend their increase which proceeds in this
