" Very likely! And what then is to become of the justice of God, and the will of the emperor? Coward! do you not see that the time for hesitation has passed ? After what has been already done, we must conquer or die. Listen to me then, instead of turning away your head. We have spread everywhere fire and blood: do you understand me ? After such a carnage, pardon is impossible. The whole town is dead. When we set to work, we do our business thoroughly. You seem to be displeased with our triumph ? "

" I do not like the murder of the women."

" It is necessary to destroy an evil race, root and branch."

Fedor was silent. Basil tranquilly continued his discourse, which he only interrupted to swallow his tea. " You appear sad and melancholy, my son ? "

Fedor continued silent.

" It is your foolish love for the daughter of The-lenef our mortal enemy, which has been your ruin."

" I! — a love for my foster-sister ! I have a friend

ship for her, if you like : but"

"Pshaw! pshaw!—a curious kind of friendship yours ! "

The young man rose, and tried to place his hand on the other's mouth,

i( What do you mean, boy ? One would suppose you feared being overheard," continued Basil, without changing his manner.

Fedor remained motionless: the peasant continued —

" It is not I who will be your dupe ; her father Thelenef was not so either, when he maltreated you."

