deur of things, the nothingness of men ! And when we think that this nothingness extends even to empires, we are at a loss to which of the branches to cling that hang over the torrent of time. HowT can we attach ourselves to a world made up of the forms of life, but where no forms last? If God had not revealed a paradise, it would be found by souls of a mould and temper strong enough to fill this void in creation. The platonic idea of an unchangeable and purely spiritual world — ideal type of all the universe — is equivalent in my eyes to the existence of such a world. How can we believe that God is less fertile in conception, less rich, less powerful, and less equitable than the brain of man ? Can our imagination surpass the works of the Creator, from whom that imagination is derived ?* The idea implies contradiction and impossibility. It has been said that it is man who creates God in his image : yes, as a child makes war with wooden soldiers ; but does not his game furnish a proof to history ? Without Turenne, Frederick II., or Napoleon having lived, would our children amuse themselves by imitating battles ?

Vases chased in the style of Benvenuto Cellini, cups enriched with jewels, arms and armour, precious stuffs, rich embroideries, costly crystal ware of all lands and all aa`es, abound in this wonderful collec-tion, of which a real eurioso would not complete the inventory in a week. Besides the thrones of all the Russian princes of every age, I was shown the caparisons of their horses, their dress, their furniture ; and these various things perfectly dazzled my eyes. The palace in the Arabian Nights is the only picture I can suggest that will give an idea of this marvellous,
