good will ; every thing is snatched by means of interest, ambition, or fear. Conversation, even, becomes insipid, when the secret calculations of interest cease to animate it. Mind itself is only valued, when it can be turned to personal account.

A fixed security of position in society is the basis of courtesy in all its relations, and the source also of those sallies of wit that enliven conversation.

Scarcely had we rested from the fatigues of the court ball, when we had to attend, in the Michael Palace, another fete, given yesterday by the Grand Duchess Helena, sister-in-law of the emperor, wife of the Grand Duke Michael, and daughter of Prince Paul of Wirtemberg, who lives at Paris. She is spoken of as one of the most distinguished personages in Europe, and her conversation is extremely interesting. I had the honour of being presented to her before the ball commenced, when she only addressed a word to me, but during the evening she gave me several opportunities of conversing with her.

The following is, as far as I recollect, the summary of what was said : —

" I hear that, in Paris and its neighbourhood, you move in a very agreeable circle of society."

" It is true, madame, the conversation of persons of mind is my greatest pleasure, but I was far from venturing to suppose that your Imperial Highness would have been acquainted with this circumstance."

" We know Paris, and we arc aware that there are there some few who are conversant with things as they полу arc, and who at the same time do not forget the pn«t. These are, I doubt not, your friends.
