" Sire, you are seen from too great a distance : if your majesty were better known you would be better appreciated, and would find among us, as well as here, abundance of admirers. The commencement of your majesty's reign has already called forth just praises: it was also equally, or even yet more highly lauded at the time of the cholera; for in this second insurrection your majesty displayed the same authority, but tempered with the most generous devotion to the cause of humanity. Energy has never failed you. sire, in times of danger."

" The moments of which you recall the recollection have been, doubtless, the best in my life ; nevertheless, they have appeared to me as the most frightful."

" I can well understand that, sire ; to subdue nature

in ourselves and in others requires an effort"

" An effort which is terrible," interrupted the emperor, with an energy which startled me, " and one that is felt long after."

" Yes; but there is the consolation of having acted heroically."

" I have not acted heroically. I only performed my part: in such circumstances none can tell what he will say. We run into the clanger, without previously inquiring how we are to get out of it."

" It was God who inspired you, sire; and if two so dissimilar things as poetry and government may be compared, I should say that you acted in the same way that poets sing, in listening to the voice from above."

" There was no poetry in that action."

I could perceive that my comparison had not appeared flattering, because it had not been under-
