The waters of Ems have, in curing one disease, substituted another. To cure this second malady, rest is necessary. Is not this a reason for deferring a visit to Siberia? and yet I am going there.

Under the influence of these conflicting considerations, I was absolutely incapable of deciding how to act.

At length, determined to guide, as by the rules of a game of chance, the plans of a life which I no longer knew how to guide otherwise, I called my servant, resolved that he should decide the question. I asked his opinion.

" We must go on," he replied; " it is so near the time of starting."

" Why, you are generally afraid of the sea."

" I am afraid of it still; but were I in the place of my master, I would not change my mind after having sent my carriage on board."

" You seem more afraid of my changing my mind than of my becoming seriously ill."

No answer.

" Tell me, then, why you would go on ?"

" Because!!!"

" Very good ! we will proceed."

" But if you should become worse," resumed this worthy personage, who began to shrink from the responsibility that would attach to him, " I shall reproach myself with your imprudence."

" If I am ill, you will take charge of me."

" But that will not cure you."

" Never mind; we will go."

Thus moved by the eloquence of my servant, I proceeded on board, carrying with me a fever, low
