is distinguished, reminds one of that peculiar charm of manner which seems to belong to the Slavonic race. It is not the expression of the Cjuiek passions of southern climes, neither is it the imperturbable coolness of the people of the north: it is a combination of simplicity, of southern mobility, and of Scandinavian melancholy. The Slavonians are fair-com-plexioned Arabs *; the Grand Duke is more than half German, but in Mecklenburg and Holstein, as in some parts of Russia, there are Germans of Slavonian extraction.

The countenance of this prince, notwithstanding his youth, presents fewer attractions than his figure. His complexion has already lost its freshness †; one can observe that he is under the influence of some cause of grief; his eye-lids are cast down with a sadness that betrays the cares of a riper age. His well-formed mouth is not without an expression of sweetness; his Grecian profile reminds me of antique medals, or of the portraits of the Empress Catherine; but notwithstanding his expression of amiableness (an expression which almost always imparts that also of beauty), his youth, and, yet more, his German blood, it is impossible to avoid observing in the lines of his face a power of dissimulation which one trembles to see in so young a man. This trait is doubtless the impress of destiny. It convinces me that this prince will be called to the throne. The tones of his voice are sweet, which is not commonly

* " Des Arabes blonds."

† The Grand Duke had been ill some time before his arrival at Ems,
