people, &c. &c, is as follows: — on the head is worn either a cap, formed somewhat in the shape of a melon; or a narrow-brimmed hat, low crowned, and wider at the top than the bottom. This headdress slightly resembles a woman's turban or a Norman cap. It becomes the younger men. Both young and old wear beards. Those of the beaux are silken and carefully combed; those of the old and the careless appear dirty and matted. Their eyes have a peculiar expression, strongly resembling the deceitful glance of Asiatics — so strongly, that in casually observing them, you might fancy yourself in Persia.

Their locks, worn long on each side, fall upon the cheeks and conceal the ears; but their hair is cut closely off from the nape of the neck upwards, which original mode of wearing it leaves the neck behind quite bare, for they have no cravat. The beard sometimes falls upon the breast, sometimes it is cut close round the chin. Much value is attached to this ornament, which accords with the tout ensemble of the costume better than with the stocks, the frock coats, and the wraistcoats of our young modern fops.

The Russian people have a natural perception of the picturesque; their customs, furniture, utensils, costume and figure, would all furnish subject for the painter, and the corner of every street in Petersburg might suggest material for a picture graceful in its kind.

But to complete the description of the national costume:—in place of our frock and great-coats, is substituted the cafetan, a long and loose Persian robe made of grey, olive, or yet more commonly, of blue
