True models of good taste and of sociable manners are only to be found in aristocratic lands. There, none think of «nvincc themselves those comme il faut airs which spoil society in places infested by parvenus. In aristocratic circles, each member feels himself in his proper place, all are accustomed to the same society, and even where there is no sympathy, there is an intimacy that produces ease and confidence. The parties understand the slightest allusions that occur in conversation ; each recognises his own manner of thinking in the language of the rest; all so dispose themselves towards each other as though expecting to pass through life in company; and travellers destined to remain together for a length of time understand each other better than those who meet for only an hour. From this necessary harmony springs general politeness, which is not, however, unvaried in its aspect, A delicate shading still marks the diversity of minds ; and elegance of discourse embellishes all that is said, without doing injury to anything: for the truth of sentiments loses nothing by the sacrifices which delicacy of expression requires. Thus, thanks to the security which is established in all exclusive society, constraint disappears, and conversation throws off the coarseness without losing the charm of freedom.

Formerly, in France, every class of citizens could enjoy this advantage. There are many causes, into which I shall not here enter, that have deprived us of it; above all others is the improper mixing of the men of all classes.

These men congregate to gratify their vanity, instead of meeting for pleasure. Since society has
