thought they might dispense with me in the first expedition; thus I have wittingly failed in my duty, I have betrayed the sacred cause, and deserted my battalion to repair to the spot where I knew that I should find your father ; he has been timely warned, and is concealed in a cabin dependent on the domains of the crown, lìnt now I tremble lest it should be too late to save you," he continued, still hurrying her forward towards the retreat he had chosen for her. " The desire of protecting your father has lost time precious to yourself; but I thought to fulfil your wishes, and believed that you would not reproach me for the delay, when you knew the cause ; besides, you are less exposed than Thelenef: we shall, I trust, yet save you."

" Yes; but you — you are lost," said the mother in a tone of anguish, which her endeavour to keep silent rendered the more impressive,

" Lost! " interrupted Xenie, " my brother lost for my sake ! "

" Has he not deserted his ranks in the hour *of danger ? " replied the old woman, " he is guilty, and they will kill him."

" I have deserved death ! "

" And I shall be the cause," cried Xenie; " no, no, you must fly —Ave will fly together.-"

« Never ! "

During the precipitate retreat of the fugitives, the light of the conflagration silently spread in the horizon : not one cry, no sound of fire-arms, no ringing of bells, betrayed the insurrection. It was dumb massacre. The calm accord of nature, the beauty of the night smiling on so many murders, filled the soul
