and to discover whether there beats within you the heart of a traitor."

Here Basil again interrupted himself, opened a casement, and spoke in the ear of a man who presented himself at the aperture, through which were seen five other armed peasants in the back-ground.

Fedor had seized his poniard, but he replaced it in his girdle ; the life of Xenie was at stake, and the least imprudence might cause the hut to be set on fire, and all that was in it to perish ! He therefore restrained himself; he wished once more to see \ú¿ sister. Who can analyse all the mysteries of love ? The secret of his life was being revealed to Xenie, without any contrivance or concurrence on his part. At this moment, terrible as it was, he experienced only exeess of joy ! What signifies the short duration of supreme felicity, — is it not eternal while it is felt ? But these powerful illusions of the heart can never be known to men who are incapable of love. True love is not dependent upon time — its measure is supernatural — its movements are not to be calculated by cold human reason.

After a brief silence, the loud voice of Basil put an end to the sweet yet painful ecstasy of Fedor.

£¢ But since you did not love your wife, why did you marry her? You acted there very foolishly."

This question again frenzied the mind of the young man.

To say that he loved his wife, was to lose all that he was about to gain. " I thought I loved her," he replied : " they told me it was necessary for me to marry. Could I know what was in my heart ? I wished to please the daughter of Thelenef. I obeyed G 2
