man, approaching to support Xcnie, who seemed about to faint.

Fedor had accompanied his mother to the castle gate, which he had not ventured to enter: on the two women coming forth, he had followed them at a little distance in order to protect the flight of Xenie. The weakness that came over his sister obliged him to show himself. But she soon recovered the energy which danger arouses in strong minds.

" Fedor, explain to me all this mystery. What iö going to be done ? "

" The Russians are free, and they are going to avenge themselves; but make haste, and follow me," he continued, leading her on.

" Going to avenge themselves ! But on whom ? I have never done evil to any one ! "

"'Tis true, you are an angel; yet,I fear that in the first moment there will be no mercy for anybody. The madmen ! they see only enemies, not alone in our former masters but in all their kindred. The hour of carnage is arrived : let us make haste. If you do not hear the tocsin, it is because they avoid sounding the bells for fear of forewarning our enemies; besides, they could not be heard far enough : it was agreed that the last glimmer of the evening sun should be the signal for the burnino` of the castles, and the massacre of all their inhabitants."

" Oh ! you make me shudder ! "

Fedor continued, still urging her forwards, " I was

appointed to march with the youngest and bravest of

our people on the town of, where we are to sur

prise the gai`rison, which consists only of a few

veterans. We are the strongest, and I therefore
