it, an ingenuous confession: it the more siirprised me, because such sentiments, sufficiently common here among the men, are less so among the women, who have generally preserved better than their husbands and brothers the traditions of just and noble feelings. " It is impossible for us," she said, " to form any clear idea of a social state like that of yours. They tell me that in France, at present, the highest noble can be put in prison for a debt of two hundred francs ; this is revolting: how different from oiir country ! There is not in all Russia a tradesman who would dare to refuse us credit for an unlimited period. With your aristocratic notions," she added, "you must surely find yourself more at home with us. There is greater similarity between the French of the old regime and us, than between any other of the European nations."

I cannot describe the effort of self-command that it required on my part to prevent myself from suddenly and loudly protesting against the affinity of which this lady boasted. Notwithstanding my obligatory prudence, I could not help saying, that a man who would полу pass among ourselves for an ultra-aristocrat, might be easily classed at Petersburg with the violent liberals; and I concluded by observing, " When you assure me that, among your families, people do not think it necessary to pay their debts, I must not take you at your word."

" You are wrong: many of us have enormous fortunes, but they would be rained if they were to pay all they owed."

In order to explain to me the extent to which the fashionable world is imbued with the French genius

