In Russia, nearly every process is stifled by an administrative decision, which very often recommends an arrangement onerous to both parties, who prefer the reciprocal sacrifice of a pajt of their claims, and even of their best founded rights, to the danger of proceeding against the advice of a man invested with authority by the emperor. This is the reason why the Russians have grounds for boasting that there is very little litigation in their land. Fear produces everywhere the same result — peace without tranquillity.

Will not the reader feel some compassion for a traveller lost in a country where facts are not more conclusive than words ? The fictions of the Russians have upon me an eífect precisely the contrary to that intended: I see at the very outset the design to blind and dazzle me ; I therefore stand upon my guard; and the consequence is, that instead of being the impartial spectator that I should have been but for their vain boasting, I become, in spite of myself, an unfriendly observer.

The governor was also pleased himself to show me the fair; but this time, we made the tour of it rapidly, in a carriage. I admired one point of view that was worthy of forming a panorama. To enjoy the magnificent picture, we ascended the summit of one of the Chinese pavilions, which commands an entire view of the city of a month. I was there more especially struck with the immensity of the piles of wealth annually accumulated on this point of land — a focus of industry the more remarkable, because it is lost, as it were, in the midst of deserts without bounds either to the eye or the imagination.
