Left alone, Fedor seated himself on the first step of the frail staircase which his sister had ascended, resting his head upon his hands, in pensive thought.

Scarcely had Xenie, whom he had urged to use all haste, opened the packet that contained her new habiliments, than the young man, rising with an expression of intense anxiety, whistled softly to summon his mother.

" What is the matter ? " she asked in a low voice.

c¢ Extinguish your lamp — I hear steps; and the light will be seen through the chinks. Above all, avoid making the least noise."

The light was put out, and everything remained in silence.

A few moments past in an agonising suspense; at length the door opened (Xenie scarcely breathed for terror), and a man entered covered with sweat and blood. " Is it you, brother Basil ? " said Fedor, advancing towards the stranger: " are you alone ? "

" No; a detachment of our men wait for me before the door. No light ? "

" I will get you one," replied Fedor, mounting the steps of the loft, whence he descended in an instant to re-kindle the lamp, which he had taken from the hands of the trembling women, at that which glimmered before the Madonna. " Would you like some tea, brother ? "

" Yes."

" Here is some."

The new comer began to empty, by small draughts, the cup which Fedor presented. This man bore a token of command upon his breast. He was dressed as the other peasants, and armed with a naked and
