no interest here but that which actuates a curious and attentive stranger. There is between France and Russia a Chinese Avail — the Slavonic language and character. In spite of the notions with which Peter the Great has inspired the Russians, Siberia commences on the Vistula.

Yesterday at seven o'clock I returned to the palace with several other foreigners, in order to be presented to the emperor and empress.

It is easy to perceive that the former cannot for a single instant forget what he is, nor the constant attention which he excites; he studies attitude incessantly,— from whence it results that he is never natural, not even when he is sincere. He has three expressions, not one of which is that of simple benevolence. The most habitual appears to be that of severity. Another, though rarer expression, suits perhaps better his fine face — it is that of solemnity; a third is that of politeness, in which are mixed some shades of gentleness and grace, that serve to temper the chill produced by the two former. But notwithstanding this grace, there is still something which injures the moral influence of the man ; it is, that each expression is assumed or east off at will, without the least trace of one remaining to modify the one next adopted. For such change we are not prepared, and it therefore appears like a mask, that can be put on or off at pleasure. Let not my meaning of the word mask be misunderstood, — I employ it according to its strict etymology. In Greek, hypocrite means an actor: the hypocrite Avas a man who masked himself to perform a play. I would only say, then, that the emperor is always engaged in acting his part.
