London to plead the cause of the dogs and horses. My feldjäger would not believe in the existence of such a laAV.

This man, who is a Livonian by birth, fortunately for me, speaks German. Under the exterior of an officious civility and obsequious language, may be discovered much obstinacy and insolence. His figure is slim ; his flaxen hair gives to his features an infantile appearance which belies their really dry and harsh expression. That of his eyes, more especially, is crafty and relentless. They are grey edged Avith almost white lashes; his thick eyebrows are very light, his forehead full but low ; his skin Avould be fair were it not tanned by the constant action of the air; his mouth is finely formed, always closed, and the lips so small that they are not seen until he speaks. His clean and neatly-fitting uniform of Russian green, with a leather belt round his Avaist, buckled in front, gives him a certain ah* of elegance. He has a light step, but an extremely slow understanding.

Notwithstanding the discipline under Avhich he has been bred, it can be perceived that he is not of Russian descent. The race, half Swedish, half Teutonic, Avhich peoples the southern side of the Gulf of Finland, is very different from that either of the Finns or the Slavonians. The real Russians are, in their primitive endowments, more to be admired than the mixed populations that defend the frontiers of their land.

This feldjäger inspires me Avith but little confidence. Officially, he is my guide and protector; nevertheless I see in him only a disguised spy, and feel toAvards
