mortality will not always rest content with a terrestrial empire, and the people the most ready to appreciate the pleasures of art, will also be the first to comprehend the new evidences of the Divine revelation.* It is, then, only just to admit that the Prussian government is worthily preparing its people to perform a part in that renovation of religion, whose approach is already announced to the world by signs that cannot be mistaken.

Prussia will soon discover that her philosophy is insufficient to impart mental satisfaction. Though this glorious future may be expected, the city of Berlin belongs at present to the least philosophical country in the world — to Russia; and, notwithstanding this, the German people, seduced by the display of a skilful administration, turn their thoughts towards Prussia. They fancy that it is from this quarter they will obtain those liberal institutions which many yet confound with the conquests of industry, as though luxury and liberty, opulence and independence, were synonymous.

The grand fault of the German people, whose character was personified in Luther, is an inclination to animal enjoyments. In our times nothing opposes this inclination ; every thing contributes to foster it. Thus, sacrificing their liberty and independence to the barren hope of a prosperity altogether material, the Germans, enchained by a political system that addresses the senses, and by a religion of intellect, fail in their duty towards themselves and towards the world. Nations, like individuals, have their vocation,

* " Les nouvelles preuves des revelations du cieL" в 5
