" I pity yon," said my mother, addressing this person, who began to cry and to ask for pardon, pleading that she had acted through fear for herself,

¢¢ Had you watched me better," replied her mistress, " you would have found that I did not expose you to any risk."

" To which prison will you be conducted ?" asked one of the members of the committee; " you are free to choose,"

" I have no choice."

Before departing they examined the drawers, cabinets, and each piece of furniture in the room, and searched every where except beneath the sofa. The papers remained where they had been placed. My mother was conveyed to the Carmelite convent, which had been converted into a prison, and on whose walls was still to be seen the blood of the victims of the 2d September, 1792.

Meanwhile the friend who waited for her at the barrier, convinced from her non-appearance that she had been arrested, hurried to the office of the diligence to prevent Xanette from proceeding with me to Strasburg. He arrived in time, and I was taken back to our residence. My mother was no longer there ; the seals had already been affixed upon the doors of her apartments; all the servants had been dismissed ; not, however, before they had found time to plunder the plate and linen. The house was robbed of all its valuables, and deserted, except by the civic guard, who kept the door. The kitchen was the only room left to us. Here my poor nurse made her bed close to my cradle, and tended me for eight months with the affection of a mother; and с 3
