ments of the arms and hands, certain attitudes, a certain turn of the head, that it is impossible to forget. She was dressed in white; her nice, surrounded with a white calash appeared calm and composed ; her eyes had an expression of gentleness and melancholy: a veil, gracefully thrown back, shaded her features, a transparent scarf fell over her shoulders, and completed the most elegant of morning dresses. Never had I seen her to so much advantage. Before this apparition, the sinister omens of the ball disappeared : the empress seemed resuscitated, and I experienced in beholding her, that sense of security which, after a night of trouble and agitation, returns with the dawn of day. Her majesty must, I thought, be stronger than I, to have thus supported the fete of the day before yesterday, the review and the soiree of yesterday, and to appear to-day so well and beautiful.

" I have shortened my promenade," she said, "because I knew that you were here."

" Ah! Madame, I was far from expecting so much goodness."

" I said nothing of my project to Madame,

who has been scolding me for thus coming to surprise you ; she pretends that I shall disturb you in your survey. You expect then to discover all our secrets?"

" I should like, Madame; one could not but gain by acquaintance with the ideas of those who know so well how to choose between splendour and elegance."

" The residence at Peterhoff is insupportable to me, and it is to relieve my eyes from the glare of all that massive gold, that I have begged a cottage of the emperor. I have never been so happy as in this house ; but now that one of my daughters is married,
