ing: — "I am astonished that any one again dares to speak to me (twice in fifteen years I) of a family, the head of which has conspired against me!" The reader may doubt this answer, — I could yet do so myself, and nevertheless I have clear proof of its truth.

The relations of the exiles, the Troubetzkoï, a powerful family, live at Petersburg, and they attend the court! Such is the spirit, the dignity, the independence of the Russian aristocracy! In this empire of violence, fear justifies every thing, — and yet more. it is the only merit that is sure to receive reward.

I have no more hesitation, no more uncertainty of opinion as regards the character of the Emperor Nicholas; my judgment of that prince is at length formed. He is a man of talent and of resolution; it needs that he should be, to constitute himself the gaoler of the third of the globe; but he wants magnanimity : the use that he makes of his power only too clearly proves this to me. May God pardon him ! happily, I shall never see him again.

What heart would not bleed at the idea of the anguish of this unhappy mother ? My God ! if such be the destiny thou hast ordained upon earth for the sublimest virtue, show to it thy heaven, — open to it the gates thereof before the hour of death! Imagine what must be the fechngs of this woman when she casts her eyes on her children; and when, aided by her husband, she labours to supply the education which they need ! Education ! it will be poison for those who have no names, but are marked and numbered like the beasts of the herd. Can the exiles deny all their recollections, all their habits, in order to hide
