with horror. It seemed as though Providence, in order to punish men, had removed even her frown, and was suffering them to act as they pleased.

" You will not abandon your sister ? " Xenie ejac-culated, trembling with terror.

"No, mademoiselle: but once assured of your safety, I will go and surrender myself."

"I will go with you," replied the young girl, pressing his arm convulsively: "I will not leave you! You think, then, that I would sacrifice anything for life ! "

At this moment the fugitives saw, by the light of the stars, defiling before them, at the distance of about a hundred paces, a line of silent shadows. Fedor stopped.

" Who are they ? " asked Xenie, in a low voice.

"Hush!" said l·Yd··r, gently retreating beneath the shadow cast by some palings; then, when the last phantom had crossed the route, he continued —

"It is a detachment of our people marching in

silence to surprise the castle of Count . We

are in danger here ; let us hasten."

" Whither then will you conduct me ? "

" In the first place, to my mother's brother, four versts* from Vologda. My old uncle is in hie second childhood, he will not betray us. There you must change your dress, for that which you wear would cause you to be recognised; here is another. My mother will remain with her brother, and I hope before the close of the night to bring you to the re-

* A verst is about a quarter of a French league.

