could only weep and supplicate. " He is not dead, he has fainted; let me embrace him. I promise you," he said, convulsively sobbing, "to give him up to you if his heart no longer beats. You, perhaps, have a son; have pity on me, then," said the unfortunate man, overcome with grief. The Cossack was moved ; he restored to him his child. Scarcely had the father touched the icy body, than his hair stood upon his forehead,—he cast his eyes around him, they encountered the inspired look of Xenie. Neither misfortune, nor injustice, nor death, nor insanity,—nothing upon earth could destroy the sympathy of these two hearts, born to understand each other.

The young man made a sign to Xenie; the soldiers respected the poor maniac, who advanced, and received the body of the babe from the hands of its father, but without a word being uttered. The daughter of Thelenef, still without speaking, next took off her veil and gave it to Fedor; she then pressed the little corpse in her arms, and, charged with her sacred burden, remained in the same place, immovable, until she had seen her beloved brother, supported between a weeping mother and a dying wife, leave for ever the village which had given him birth. She long followed with her eye the convoy of the exiled peasants: at length, when the last cart had disappeared on the road to Siberia, and she was left alone, she took away the infant, and began to play with the cold remains, bestowing upon them the most tender and endearing caresses.

" He is not dead, then!" said the lookers on, "*he will revive; she will restore him !"

Power of love! who can assign thy limits ? * * * *
