rous of drawing closer around me the entire population of Russia. It is simply over misery and barbarism that I wish to achieve conquests: to ameliorate the condition of the Russians would be more gratifying than to aggrandise myself. If you knew what an amiable people the Russians are ! how gentle, and how naturally polite! You will see them at Peterhoff; but it is here, on the first of January, that I would have especially desired to show them to you." Then, returning to his favourite theme, he continued: " But it is not easy to render one's self worthy of governing such a people."

" Your majesty has already done much for Russia."

" I fear sometimes that I have not done all that might have been effected."

This Christian speech came from the depths of the heart, and affected me even to tears: it made so much impression on me that I said to myself, The emperor has quicker perceptions than I; and if he had any motive for saying this he would have felt greater difficulty in saying it. He has, then, only betrayed a beautiful and noble sentiment, the scruple of a conscientious king. This cry of humanity uttered by a mind which every thing must contribute to render proud, touched my heart. We were in public. and I endeavoured to hide my feeling; the emperor, who answers to what is thought more than to what is said, (and in this sagacity lies the great charm of his conversation, as well as the potency of his influence,) perceiving the impression which he had produced, and which I attempted to disguise, approached me at the moment of parting, took my
