The expression wants justice ; for, in no respect can a parallel be drawn between these two cities It is of Nineveh, Palmyra, or Babylon that we think, when we enter Moscow, and not of the chefs-d'oeuvre of art in either Pagan or Christian Europe. Nor have the history or religion of this country any nearer connection with Rome. Moscow might have been better compared to Pekin: but Madame de Staël thought of any thing rather than viewing Russia, when she traversed that country to visit Sweden and England, there to carry on the war of genius and of ideas with that enemy of all liberty of thought—Napoleon. She had to deliver herself in a few words of the impressions of a person of superior intellect arrived in a new country. The misfortune of celebrated characters when they travel, is that they are obliged to scatter words behind them ; and if they abstain from doing so, other people do it for them.

I place no confidence except in the recitals of unknown travellers. It will be said I am sounding my own trumpet: I do not deny it; for I at least profit by my obscurity, in seeking and endeavouring to discover the truth. The pleasure of rectifying the mistakes and prejudices of some of my friends, and of the few whose minds resemble theirs, will snfìice for ray glory. My ambition is modest,—for nothing is more easy than to correct the errors of superior characters. It appears to me that if there are any who do not hate despotism as much as I hate it, they will do so, notwithstanding its pomps, after the veracious picture of its works which I offer to their meditation.

The massive tower, at the foot of which my footman made me alight, was picturesquely pierced by в 3
