crown lately purchased a considerable estate in the district that has since revolted. Immediately the peasants sent deputies from every part of the surrounding country to the new superintendants of the imperial lands, to supplicate the emperor to purchase them also. The serfs chosen as ambassadors were sent on to Petersburg. The Emperor received them and treated them with kindness ; but, to their great regret, he did not buy them. ' I cannot,' he said to them, ' purchase all Kussia, but a time will come, I hope, when each peasant of this empire will be free; if it depended only upon me, the Russians should enjoy from this day forth the independence which I wish for them; and to procure them which, at a future period, I am labouring with all my powers.'"

" Well, this answer seems to me full of reason, candour, and humanity."

" No doubt: but the emperor should have known to whom he addressed such words; and not have murdered his noblemen out of tenderness towards his serfs. These words, interpreted by barbarous and envious men, have set a whole province on fire; and thus has it become necessary to punish a people for crimes which they were instigated to commit. ' Our Father desires our deliverance,' cried the returned deputies on the borders of the TVolga ; ' he wishes for nothing but our happiness, he said so to us, himself: it is, then, only the nobles and their agents who are our enemies, and who oppose the good designs of Our Father! Let us avenge the Empei`or!' After this, the peasants believed they were performing a pious work in rising upon their masters, and thus all the nobles of a canton, and all their agents were massacred together E 5
