were lighted up by suns of every colour. It was not by thousands nor tens of thousands, but by hundreds of thousands, that the lights in these car-dens of Armida might be counted; and they could all be seen from the windows of a palace crowded with a people as profoundly respectful as if they had lived all their days at court.

Nevertheless, in this assemblage, the object of which was to efface all distinctions of rank, each class might still be separately traced. Whatever attacks despotism may have made upon the aristocracy, there are yet castes in Eussia. Here is presented one more point of resemblance to the East, and not one of the least striking contradictions of social order created by the manners of the people operating in unison with the government of the country. Thus, at this fete of the empress,, this true bacchanalian revel of absolute power, I recognised the order which reigns throughout the state, through the apparent disorder of the ball. Those whom I met were always either merchants, soldiers, labourers, or courtiers, and each class was distinguished by its costume. A dress which would not denote the rank of the man, and a man whose only worth should arise from his personal merit, would be considered as anomalies, as European inventions, imported by restless innovators and imprudent travellers. It must never be forgotten that we are here on the confines of Asia: a Russian in a frock coat in his own country appears to me like a foreigner.

True bearded Russians think as J do upon this subject, and they comfort themselves with the idea that a day shall come when they will be able to put
