that in a life so active as his, I was astonished that he could find time for every tiling, including even a participation in the pleasures of the crowd.

" Happily," he replied, " the machine of government is very simple in my country ; for, with distances which render every thing difficult, if the form of government was complicated, the head of one man would not suffice for its recµùrements."

I was surprised and flattered by this tone of frankness. The emperor, who understands better than any one that which is felt, though not expressed, proceeded — replying to my thought — " If I speak to you in this manner, it is because I know that you can understand me: we are continuing the labours of Peter the Great."

" He is not dead, sh`e; his genius and his will still govern Russia."

When any one speaks in public with the emperor, a large circle of courtiers gathers at a respectful distance, from whence no one can overhear the sovereign's conversation, though all eyes continue fixed upon him.

It is not the prince who is likely to embarrass you when he does you the honour of conversing; it is his suite.

The emperor continued: — " It is not very easy to prosecute this work: submission may cause you to believe that there is uniformity among us, but I must undeceive you; there is no other country where is found such diversity of races, of manners, of religion, and of mind, as in llussia. The diversity lies at the bottom, the uniformity appears on the surface, and the unity is only apparent. You see near to us twenty
