of all our peasants has become so intense, that I fear for you, my father."

" And therefore you rejoice at the return of one of my most formidable enemies," replied the exasperated Thelenef.

" Ah ! I do not fear him : we have both sucked the same breast ; he would die rather than make me unhappy."

" He has given good proof of this truly ; he would be the first to murder me if he dared."

" You judge him too harshly. Fedor would, I am sure, defend you against them all, even though you have deeply offended him : you remember your severity too well yourself, for him to forget it. Is not this the truth, father ? He is полу married, and his wife has already a little one; this domestic happiness луШ soften his character. The birth of children often changes the hearts of husbands."

" Silence ! You will deprive me of all sense with your romantic notions. Go and read in your books about affectionate peasants and generous slaves. í know better than you do, the men I have to deal with: they are idle and vindictive like their fathers, and you луШ never change them."

" If you Avould permit me to act, and would give

me your aid, лve might, together, reform them ; but

here comes my good Elizabeth, returning from mass.'*

Thus speaking, Xenie ran to throw her arms around

her nurse. " !№олу then you are happy !"

" Perhaps," replied the old woman, in а 1олу voice. " He is come back." " Not for long, I fear." " What do you mean ? " ^
