if I ever arrived there, I would claim ..... The manifestations of politeness by no means re-assured me : on the contrary, I had not forgotten the smiles and kind words of Alexander, addressed to one of his ministers, who was seized by the feldjäger, at the door, even of the emperor's cabinet, and carried direct from the palace to Siberia,

Many other examples of sentences and executions of this character occurred to justify my presentiments and to disturb my imagination.

The being a foreigner is not sufficient guarantee. I called to mind the carrying off of Kotzebue, who, at the commencement of this century, was also seized by a feldjäger, and transported under circumstances similar to mine (for I already felt as if on the road) from Petersburg to Tobolsk. What had been the offence of Kotzebue? He had made himself feared because he had published his opinions, and because they were not thought all equally favourable to the order of things established in Russia. Now, who could assure me that I had not incurred the same reproach ? or, which would be sufficient, the same suspicion ? If I give the least umbrage here, can I hope that they will have more regard for me than they have had for others ? besides, I am watched by spies — every foreigner is. They know, therefore, that I write, and carefully conceal my papers; they are, perhaps, curious to know what these papers are about.

Such were the fancies that possessed me the whole of the night before last; and though I visited yesterday without any aceident the fortress of Schlussel-burg, they are not so entirely unreasonable as to I 3
