Gräffenberg how long he will remain ; the duration of the treatment depends on the complaint and the temperament of the individual; besides one cannot calculate on the influence of a passion, and this mode of using water becomes a passion with some people, who continue, indefinitely, to Hnger near the source of then supreme felicity."

Prince, in listening to your account, I am ready to believe in these wonderful restilts; but when I reflect, I must still doubt their efficacy. Such apparent cures have often ill consequences; perspirations so violent decompose the blood, and often change gout into dropsy."

" I am so persuaded of the efficacy of the cold water treatment," replied the prince, "that I am goiii£; to form near to me an establishment similar to that of Gräffenberg."

The Slavonians, thought I to myself, have a mania for other things besides cold water, namely, a general passion for novelties. The thoughts of this imitative people exercise themselves with the inventions of others.

Besides the personages already mentioned, there was yet another Russian princess on board our vessel.

This lady, the princess L, was a most agreeable

person in society : our evenings passed delightfully in listening to Russian airs, which she sang with pleasing exeeiition, and which were quite new to me.

The princess Dtook parts with her, and even

sometimes accompanied the airs with a few graceful steps of some Cossack dance. These national exhibitions and impromptu concerts agreeably suspended our conversations, and made the hours pass like moments.
