orange trees in flower. Never have I seen any thing more magnificent or better directed than this fete ;

but there is nothing so fatiguing as admiration too

оо о

greatly prolonged, especially if it does not relate to the phenomena of nature, or the works of the higher arts.

I lay down my pen in order to dine with a Russian

officer, the young Count, who took me this morn

ing to the cabinet of mineralogy, the finest I believe in

Europe, for the Uralian mines are unequalled in the

variety of their mineral wealth. Nothing can be

seen here alone. A native of the country is always

with you to do the honours of the public establish

ments and institutions, and there are not many days

in the year favourable for seeing them. In summer

they are repairing the edifices damaged by the frosts,

in winter there is nothing but visiting: every one

dances who does not freeze. It will be thought I

am exaggerating when I say that Russia is scarcely

better seen in Petersburg than in France. Strip the

observation of its paradoxical form and it is strictly

true. Most assuredly it is not sufficient to visit this

country in order to know it. AVithout the aid of

others, it is not possible to obtain an idea of any thino·,

and often this aid tyrannises over its object, and imbues

him with ideas only that are fallacious.*

* This is done designedly.
