of their pillage was disposed; after which the drawbridge was let down before the stranger.

" The baron, with that elegant hospitality whieh is an indelible characteristic of Russian manners, hastened to receive the leader of the new comers.

" Affecting the most perfect security, he repaired to a saloon near the apartment of his son who was yet sleeping, and there awaited him. The tutor of his child was also in bed dangerously ill. The door of his chamber, which opened into the saloon, remained unclosed. The stranger was introduced.

" ' Sir Baron,' said the man, with an air of bold assurance, £ you know me, though you may not recognise me, for you have seen me but once, and then in the dark. I am the captain of the vessel, a part of whose crew perished last night under your walls. It is with pain I announce to you that some of your people have been recognised in the fray that took plaee, and that you yourself were seen stabbing with your own hand one of my men.'

" The baron, without replying, arose and gently closed the door of the tutor's chamber. The stranger continued —' If I speak to you thus freely, it is not because I intend to ruin you, I only wish to prove to yoti that you are in my power. Restore to me my cargo and my ship; which, damaged as it is, will still convey me to St. Petersburgh, and I promise secrecy; which promise I am ready to confirm with my oath. If the desire of revenge had influenced me I should have landed on the opposite coast, and proclaimed you in the first village. The proposal I make, proves my willingness to save you in thus apprising you of the danger to which you are exposed by your crimes.'
