sador. The young chamberlain received from the Grand Duchess Marie an order to carry her invitation to this ambassador to dance with her. In his zeal the unfortunate debutant broke the circle of courtiers which I have before described as forming at a respectful distance around the emperor, and boldly approached his maj.esty's person, saying to the ambassador, " Monsieur le Comte, Madame la Duchesse de Leuchtenberg requests that you will dance with her the first polonaise."

The emperor, shocked with the ignorance of the new chamberlain, said to him, in an elevated tone of voice, " You have been appointed to a post, sir; learn, therefore, how to fulfil its duties: in the first place, my daughter is not the Duchess of Leuchtenberg — she is called the Grand Duchess Marie*; in the second place, you ought to know that no one interrupts me when I am conversing with any individual." †

The new chamberlain who received this harsh reprimand was, unfortunately, a poor Polish gentleman. The emperor, not content with what he had said, caused the grand chamberlain to be called, and recommended him to be, in future, more circumspect in his selection of deputies.

I left the ball of the Michael Palace at an early hour. I loitered on the staircase, and could have wished to remain there longer: it was a wood of

* This title had been secured to her at her marriage. † Did I not truly say that, at this court, life is passed in general rehearsals ? An Emperor of Russia, from Peter the Great, downwards, never forgets that it is his office personally ío instruct his people.
