seen that they are brothers, — a circumstance which renders the carnage more horrible.

But then, these are no longer the children of nature; they are men perverted by a cruel and unfeeling social system. The natural man exists only in books ; where he forms a theme for philosophic declamation, an ideal type, from which moralists draw their deductions just as mathematicians, in certain calculations, proceed upon given cµiantities. Nature, for the primitive man, as for the degenerated man, is still a state of society; and, whatever may be said, the most civilised society is the best.

The fatal circle opened for a moment, to allow of the entrance of Fedor and his execrable escort. Thelenef was so placed as not, at first, to perceive his youthful liberator. His execution was about to begin, when a murmur of terror spread among the crowd.

" A spectre ! a spectre ! It is she !" was the cry heard on all sides. The ring broke and dispersed, — the executioners fled before a phantom! Cruelty readily unites with superstition.

The flight was, however, arrested by several of the more determined ruffians, who shouted that it was Xenie herself, living, and in their power.

" Stay ! stay !" cried a female voice, the agonizing accents of which went to all hearts, but above all to the heart of Fedor. " Let me pass, I will see them ' They are my father and my brother ! You will not forbid me to die with them ? " Ere she had concluded these words, Xenie had reached the spot where Fedor stood incapable of motion, and fell insensible at his feet.

We here feel the necessity of abridging the de-g 5
